I wrote the following article on the 1st September before last night’s dramatic events. Obviously in the light of what has happened, Brexit is unlikely to happen on the 31st due to BJ losing his majority. However, I still wonder if Italy will play a part in the outcome – whenever that occurs!
When looking at Mundane astrology, one of the first charts to take into consideration is the Aries Ingress chart, that is the chart set for the location you are interested in at the time the Sun moves into Aries. There are many other factors to consider, including the chart of the Leader of the country, eclipses and the lunations.
With Brexit due to occur on the 31st October 2019, I thought I would have a look at the October Lunations prior to the supposed exit.
It should be born in mind that certain factors will normally be in evidence at this time of year, and also, the 19 year metonic cycle means the lunations will occur at the degree they held in 2000.
There are many methods that can be applied to predicting events and outcomes, to keep things simple, I will mainly focus on the Aries Ingress of the appropriate years, the lunations and a few profections.
I start with the Lunation prior to the Ingress of the Sun into Scorpio. This, according to Steven Birchfield was taken into account by Abu’Mashar in predicting events and timings. The Lunation prior to the Scorpio ingress was the Full Moon on the 13th October 2019.
The October Full Moon on 13 October at 22.08 BST falls across the 10th/4th axis. The Moon, indicator of the people, is in full view in the night sky. She rules the Ascendant and has the power to act. She is in the hot, aggressive choleric sign of Aries, exaltation of the Sun, who she is opposite (obviously!) and trines Jupiter. She is in the triplicity of Jupiter, as is the Sun. The Sun is also in the terms of Jupiter. We can say both lights commit their disposition to Jupiter. Jupiter is also the exalted ruler of Cancer.
Jupiter is strong in his own sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter rules the 9th house of the law, religion and overseas matters. Although cadent, (which indicates his power to act is somewhat curtailed), Jupiter is in “Sect” and is still able to work well. Naturally if he is trine the Moon, he is also sextile the Sun, the Exalted ruler of the 10th sign and ruler of the 2nd sign of the people assets.
Jupiter in the 6th suggests matters connected with health, welfare, workers and small animals will be of concern, as will matters related to law, religion and overseas matters as mentioned above.
Mars, dispositor of the Moon and the MC, is the planet of strife, revolution, contention and courage. He is in his detriement in Libra, but can see to control the Moon, ruler of this lunation chart. However, he in turn is disposed, or managed by Venus. Venus is in aversion to Mars and is focused on matters connected with the 5th house, that is arts, theatre, entertainment and speculation.
This is a “slutty” Venus, who is using words to inflame and incite the youth (as represented by Mercury in the same house as her). Mercury, ruler of the 12th and 3rd indicates secret enemies, and “kith and kin”. They may seek through a female presence to cause mayhem, or work through an intermediary to deal with an older person, as represented by Saturn located in the 7th house of opponents and partners. However, authoritarian Saturn is firm in his own house and not going anywhere fast!
It should be borne in mind that Parliament reconvenes on the 14th, the day after the Full Moon!
Comparing the Full Moon chart with the Aries Ingress 2019, the lunation falls across the 12th/6th axis. Again emphasising secret enemies, the workers and matters connected with health. In the Aries Ingress chart, Mars, the ruler of the chart was yet again in Venus’s other sign of Taurus, where once again, he is in detriment.
In the Aries Ingress, the Ascendant of the Full Moon chart falls in the 9th house of law, religion and overseas/foreign affairs. Both Saturn and Jupiter have now turned direct and are approaching the degrees they held at the 2019 Aries Ingress.
Now let’s look at the New Moon chart on the 31st October 2019.
Two weeks later not much has changed, except the Lights are now in Scorpio, ruled by a detrimented Mars as previously discussed. But, Mars now rules the 7th house of opponents, partners and known enemies. Mars has now almost swopped position when compared with the Aries Ingress chart, in as much as the chart ruler was in the hands of our opponents, but is now in our hands!
In this chart, Mars is now strongly angular and able to act. Mars can act in a Diplomatic, but autocratic fashion. He is now partile square Saturn, who will act as a brake on the rashness of Mars. Mars is exalted in Capricorn and Saturn exalted in Libra. This is a mutual reception by exaltation. Mars commits his disposition to Saturn, who accepts his gift.
Not only does Mars rule 2nd house of assets and allies, but also rules the 7th house of opponents, or partners. Now the partners are in exile. They have no standing, are peregrine and are reliant on their host – Venus. As previously, she is in aversion, but does have triplicity dignity and is in the face of Mars. This suggests a connection, a deal being brokered involving assets. Could these assets be to do with water or shared seas? However as neither Venus nor Mars make a Ptolemaic aspect, it is unlikely at this time.
We should not forget the position of Saturn in the Full Moon chart. There he was at home, not moving. Now he has moved into the 4th house relating to heritage, land and buried treasure.
Comparing the New Moon with the Aries Ingress:
Again, we have the 12th house of the Aries Ingress highlighted.
Mars at 15° Libra is actually Peregrine. He has no authority to act or move. Venus of the New Moon chart, does have some standing as she is in Triplicity and in her Decan or Face, so she is not peregrine. Furthermore, she is located in the first house of the Aries Ingress chart. This means she may have more power to act. Also, she sets after the Sun, so her light would just be visible. She is still in the fixed, secretive, water sign of Scorpio. This would suggest that although Venus is in detriment, she does have power to act and will stubbornly refuse to give way. Mars in the Cardinal active sign of Libra, suggest enemies behind the scenes working quickly to achieve his aims.
Jupiter, planet of wealth, justice and charity, is now almost back to the degree he held at the Aries Ingress. Jupiter is also conjunct the fixed star Ras Alhague. Here is what Robson has to say: With Jupiter: Diplomatic, religious or legal preferment, but some criticism, favourable for gain. [Robson*, p.194.]
Going back to the ruler of the Ascendant of the New Moon chart (28th October 2019). Venus is, as already noted, in aversion to the Ascendant. She is fixed, holding on to her assets, not wanting to let go. She is paired up with Mercury and both are widely opposed to the position of Mars in the Aries Ingress chart. This is about money and assets. But we mustn’t forget the Lights also present in Scorpio.
In the Aries Ingress chart, the lights rule the 9th and 10th signs of law, overseas and government. In the Full Moon chart, 1st and 2nd houses – again we have an indication of financial affairs. In the New Moon chart, the Lights rule the 10th and 11th houses of the Government, exchequer, and the governments allies.
Saturn of course is on his way back to also conjoin the degree he held at the Aries ingress chart, although he won’t actually get to 19 Capricorn until mid-December. So it may not be until then before matters are concluded.
With the fixed angles in the Aries Ingress chart, the course is set. The October lunations having Cardinal angles does seem to suggest there will be some movement on the 31st October, but it may not be until December before a deal is finally struck. From mid December onwards various planets aspect either the eclipses or positions they held at the Aries Ingress. For this reason, I think it will be December if any deal is struck.
That said, after discussing the charts with Steven Birchfield, he suggested I look at the Aries Ingress chart for 2016 and profect that chart to the 31st October 2019, as this was the course that would have been taken by Abu’Mashar.
The Profection for the year arrives at Taurus, ruled by an exalted Venus in the base chart of 2016. The month for the divorce date of 31st October 2019, arrives at the 11th sign of Sagittarius, where we find Mars (revolutionaries) and Saturn (establishment). This picks up issues of heritage and land. We value our land! As Steven noted, Venus also rules the 9th of law, and applies to both Jupiter and Saturn of the Ingress chart 2016.
Venus as lady of the Year (profected sign) is found in the 4th sign of the 2019 Ingress chart, square to Mars, chart ruler of the Ingress. Still there is this connection between Mars and Venus as echoed in the lunation charts and ingress charts.
If we look at the chart of the day and compare it with the 2016 and 2019 Aries Ingress, we get an interesting picture:
To me, the main thing that jumps out is the conjunction of Moon and Jupiter on the degree of Jupiter of the 2019 Ingress, stimulating the Mars, MC, Saturn conjunction in Sagittarius in the 2016 Ingress and trining the Moon’s degree in the 2016 Aries Ingress.
This suggests the people who voted in 2016 will get their wish and there will be a hard Brexit.
As an aside, I did notice the lunations in October do pick up the Ascendant degree of the Italian Republic chart of 1946. Could issues in Italy provide the catalyst for the UK to leave with or without a deal?