• The Libra ingress 22nd of September 2024 set for Westminster England.

    In mundane astrology all ingress charts are read back against certain base charts such as the foundation of a City or Empire; the Jupiter Saturn mutation; the Mars Saturn conjunction in Cancer, and of course the Aries ingress for each city or country under consideration.

    Some authors also tell us, it is important to consider the Lunation prior to the Ingress. I will also include the Full Moon on the 18th September for London at 03.34BST.

    For those who are not used to looking at multiple charts, this array of charts to be compared against one another can be confusing and even distracting to the point that the reader stops reading. That is why I generally only post the actual ingress chart under consideration. However, I will be referring back to the Aries ingress chart of 2024 of the UK as well as the eclipse charts.

    I will also be flipping between whole signs and quadrant systems. I will start with the Lunation prior to the Libra Ingress.

    The Full Moon 18th September 2024.

    The Royal sign of Leo rises at 220. This degree is very close to the Rising degree of the Princess of Wales whose natal degree is 250 Leo. The lunation occurs at 250 Virgo occurs just a couple of days after the 40th birthday of Prince Harry.  Jupiter in this chart is located at 200 Gemini and falls opposite the natal placement of Mars in the chart of King Charles.

    If we factor in the UK chart of 1801: we note the Nodes at 60 Libra fall on the Ascendant/Descendant axis of the 1801 chart.  The rising degree of the Lunation chart is very close to Saturn of the 1801 chart at 230 Leo; the Mars at 110 Taurus is also close to the Lunation MC. When the two malefics are involved, there may be a cutting, or some problems associated with the ruling elite of the country.

    It would appear there may be further news, or changes in the circumstances of the Royal Family in particular. However, with the current Prime Minister (no birth time) also having a Mars return picking up his natal Mercury and Jupiter, he too could be in the news over the next few months.

    Turning now to the Libra Ingress chart.

    In this ingress chart of the 22nd September 2024, 13° of Sagittarius rises. This degree falls in the bounds of Venus and the Decan of the Moon. It is a diurnal chart as the Sun is above the horizon. As it is the Libra ingress and therefore an air sign we would look at the three triplicity rulers of Libra which are Saturn, Mercury and Jupiter. We also need to consider the condition of Venus as she is as always at this Ingress, ruler of the Sun. We will track their movements over the coming quarter, as well as considering the Suns ingress into Scorpio and Sagittarius and the new and full Moons covering these three months.

    The first thing to strike me (using only the 7 planets) is the lack of planets in fixed or fire signs. This alone suggests change and instability for the country as a whole over the coming quarter.

    Jupiter is the ruler of the Rising sign for the coming quarter. In this respect he indicates the people of the land, but is also the natural indicator of the Clergy, Nobles, lawyers and bankers. He is in exile in Gemini, the 7th sign, so we can say he is under the control of the exalted Mercury who not only indicates partners and those overseas, but also rules the 10th of Governors, the King or Prime Minister.

    Mercury rules the 10th and 7th places. Due to his strength and rulership over Jupiter and the Moon, he also has ultimate authority over Saturn and Mars. Mercury is the planet of trade and business, as well as all forms of communication, media, books and phones. Mercury is the trickster of the Zodiac. He is a shape shifter, all things to all men but true to none of them. Our current Prime Minster Keir Rodney Starmer is a Virgo (2/9/1962).

    With the links between the 10th and the 7th and the two planets in this Ingress representing the people (Moon and Jupiter), it would appear the people do not have a leg to stand on. They are weak and controlled by “others.”

    Jupiter is angular, a triplicity ruler of air signs and is in the same hemisphere as the Sun; this is known as being in hayz which is an extra dignity, but it must be remembered Jupiter is as far from home as he can be and is therefore dependent upon his ruler Mercury with whom he has a square aspect.

    Jupiter has no dignity other than being angular and a triplicity ruler, so although this Jupiter appears strong, in reality there is very little to commend him. As well as ruling the Rising Sign, Jupiter rules the 4th sign relating to the land and indicates the resources of the land such as crops and produce. This is also considered the place of opposition to the main government. Here we can perhaps see there may be a controlling interest in the matters of our land and produce from overseas influencers. Any “opposition” the people may put us is weak and ineffective.

    Apart from the square with Mercury, there is also a separating square with Saturn who is located in Jupiter’s other sign of Pisces. It should be noted there is a reception between Jupiter and Saturn which goes some way to mitigate the effects of this square aspect.  But this is still an aspect of tension, especially if we factor in a whole sign T square between Mercury and Saturn, with Jupiter between the two.

    Saturn rules the 2nd and 3rd signs and has dignity in the 11th. Saturn is retrograde, peregrine and in aversion to Aquarius, the 3rd and Libra the 11th.  There is an applying trine to the Malefic ex sect, Mars. Saturn in aspect to the 2nd sign and with Mars opposing, suggests fluctuations in finances as well as damage and issues arising from water. There is a flip flop atmosphere with those in charge of finances of the people and country, changing direction and damaging the resources of the people by ill advised, ill thought out reactions.

    Mars is located in the 8th of death, taxes and assets of others. Mars is in the bounds and decan of Venus; he and Venus have a weak mutual reception by bound, both are triplicity rulers of water. This placement would indicate issues over assets of the people. Mars’ is the planet of cutting, so we can as already indicated, expect swinging cuts in the peoples incomes and assets. There may also be financial issues arising over payments to our “partners”.

    Mars rules the 5th sign which also contains the IC point so this house has 4th house connotations. Heritage is being cut, lands are being cut and damaged and made barren. This may be through flooding, fire or simple mismanagement.

    Mars also rules the 12th sign of Scorpio and is able to see by trine from Cancer, the 8th place. This indicates the two “bad” houses are connected through the sword! It will be interesting to track the transits of Mars over the coming quarter and see if there are any “stand out” dates. I have already covered the aspect between Mars and Saturn.

    Moving onto the Sun; he highlights the 11th place. This house is generally connected with Parliament, the House of Commons and the Treasury. Of concern is the proximity of the Sun with the South Node. This would indicate matters related to the 9th may come under stress following the upcoming Eclipses. Ignoring the Moon, the next aspect the Sun will make is to the Mars in fall. Once again, there is an emphasis on the financial assets of others and the house of mortality. It seems there could be a tidal wave of issues connected with the 8th place over the coming months. Indeed, this may manifest as early as mid October.

    The Moon is separating from the Sun and is waning. She is in Sect as she is below the horizon in a diurnal chart, but this also puts her in the quadrant 6th of servitude, the civil service and the armed forces. She is peregrine. Her next aspect is to the peregrine Saturn in the 4th of home and heritage. This coming quarter does not bode well for the people of the country. (Since writing this end of June, there have been terrible riots across the North of England.)  The Moon is the natural ruler of the common man.

    The final planet to consider is Venus. She is in the 10th by quadrant, the 11th by whole sign and is in the final, or Anaretic degree of Libra. She is just about to set foot into the sign of her detriment or exile, Scorpio. This may indicate a prominent woman disappearing from view as Scorpio is the 12th sign of hidden things, imprisonment and exile.  She moves into Scorpio several hours later (02.36GMT).

    I will now turn to the Lunations and actual movements of the planets as they transit over the next few months.

    Mercury moves into Libra on the 26th September and is then caught up in the Solar Eclipse on the 2nd October at 18.49 GMT.  As the Eclipse occurs below the horizon in the UK, it is just a new Moon on steroids.

    The Eclipse does square the degree of the Ascendant of the Aries Ingress chart 2024 (110 Capricorn 28) and we can see Mercury is on this degree. This suggests clandestine events involving foreign entities and our government and their partners. Matters related to the Civil Service, anyone who is a servant of the Government (this includes the armed forces) may be coerced into clandestine actions that are against the will of the people. Naturally  this also picks up the degree position of the Sun of both the 1066 and 1801 charts at 9+ Capricorn. The degree of the Eclipse is within 1 degree of Prince Williams natal Mars and on the degree of the Princess of Wales’ Mars.  For William, Mars rules his MC degree, the 12th and 5th place. For Kate, Mars rules her 4th and 9th places. This may indicate some news concerning their position.

    .On the 17th October there is the Full Moon at 240 Aries and Venus moves into the Sign of Sagittarius. Jupiter is now retrograde in the sign of his detriment.  This  may be when the people of the country encounter more problems and issues around the land, travel and communications in all forms.

    On the 1st November is the New Moon at 9 Scorpio  This precedes the American Election, the outcome of which will shape world politics for years to come. Whatever happens there, this is likely to be pivotal time in the UK due to Mars now squaring the Venus of the Libra Ingress and Jupiter having also returned to the degree he held at this Ingress. Also, Mercury, the main dispositor of the Libra Ingress (by virtue of ruling Jupiter and the Moon and in turn Saturn and Mars) is trining Mars of the of the New Moon. Saturn of this chart is now back to the position he held in the Aries Ingress and will station on this degree until he turns direct on the 15th November. This alone may signify a period of stagnation for the country as a whole.

    If we go back to events late March (Aries Ingress), this was when it was announced the Princess of Wales was undergoing treatment for cancer and King Charles III made his first public appearance since his cancer diagnosis.  There was a dramatic rise in the number of people unable to work due to health conditions, and of course  the matter of the Horizon Post Office scandal (it is still not finalised!). With the return of Saturn to the degree he held at the Aries Ingress, it will be interesting to see if there if further news regarding the Horizon scandal and on the health of the Senior Royals during the next two months.

    On the 3rd November Venus opposes Jupiter, followed the next day by Mars ingressing into Leo. When Mars is in a fire sign, he can become entrenched, digging in his heels and fighting for what he believes are his rights. In the Aries Ingress chart, Leo was the 8th sign, so the issues raised are as always, to do with the assets of others, or the assets of the people. This is also the house of mortality and mortality rates.

    In this chart, I am intrigued by the degree patterns, 11 or 12 and 20 all being highlighted. What it means? I don’t know!

    On the 15th we have the full Moon at 24 Taurus/Scorpio. This is the very degree held by the Moon at the time of King Charles III coronation. What I find of interest here is apart from the Moon, Venus and Jupiter having minor dignity by triplicity, all planets are peregrine and Mars of this lunation chart is on the degree of the Moon in the Aries Ingress. Saturn now stations direct, so matters related to the houses ruled by Saturn in the Aries and Libra charts should gradually start to ease up.

    We then have the New Moon on the 1st December. The Ascendant degree for Westminster is 230 Scorpio, (the Kings natal Sun is 22025 Scorpio.), Mars is in the 10th sign at 50 Leo, on the degree of the King’s natal Ascendant, and Mercury of this chart is on the King’s Mars.

    The lunation occurs on the degree of the fixed star Antares. It is one of the Royal Fixed stars and according to Robson, it can cause destruction, danger, but also broad-mindedness, obstinacy and rashness. When with the lights, it gives disgrace, ruin, danger of treachery, but with the Moon it can also indicate influential friends, great power but not long lasting. There is also the risk of drowning, assassination and sickness. So happy times!

    On the 6th December Mars stations retrograde at 60 Leo and Venus moves into Aquarius. At the time of the Full Moon on the 15th December, Mercury stations direct at 60 24 Sagittarius and we have the final Full Moon of the year at 230 Gemini 53.

    In the chart above, we note Mars is on the Rising degree of the chart of King Charles, the MC degree falls across the MC/IC axis of the Princess of Wales’chart and picks up the degree of Saturn in Prince Harry’s chart. It does seem as though this quarter the Royal Family or those who “govern” us will be in the news for various reasons. We can only wish them well.

    Turning back to the Libra Ingress chart, we can try to consider the weather, although now it has been admitted by those in power we are subject to unwanted geo-engineering maybe the astrology of the Libra Ingress can give an idea as to what is in store for the UK.

    With the IC point in the 5th sign of Aries, this indicates heat and dryness. However, we do have Saturn in the 4th in trine to Mars who is in his fall in Cancer, both water signs! Heat and rain can make storms, so I think we will be in for a mild wet, storm tossed Autumn. Keep your Wellington boots at hand.

    May the Autumn wherever you are be fruitful.